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Student representation
Psychotherapy sciences

Help, I'm a first-timer
For more detailed information for your first semester, take a look at our Bog entry.
What do I need for the prop degree?You need:
Personality developmentFor the Propaedeutic Course you need 50 hours of personality development. You complete this over the course of 4 semesters, 15 hours per semester. Registration: On A5 under course registration, then select the desired method. ATTENTION: , Registration will only be activated during the course of the semester. When will you see in the VVZ. DON'T FORGET YOUR STUDY BOOK
What do the room numbers mean, which building is which?1. The first number of the room numbers stands for the floor, a 4-digit number for the main building at Freudplatz 1.A 3-digit number stands for the medical building, and here too the first number stands for the floor. Example:3001 is on the 3rd floor in the main building, Freudplatz 1.518 is on the 5th floor in the medical building, Freudplatz 3. 2. Freudplatz 1 is the 'old' building primarily for psychotherapy sciences and psychology. Freudplatz 3 is the 'new' building, where medicine and law are mainly located.
Observation hours at the SFU outpatient clinicFor the preparatory course you need at least 20 hours of observation at the SFU outpatient clinic in Salztorgasse by the end of the 4th semester. You can find these dates in the VVZ under Initial consultation demonstration". You can register at: Please note: That you arrive at least 15 minutes before the start the ambulance. DON'T FORGET YOUR STUDY BOOK
Windows of Opportunity (WoO)You need the 20 WoO hours until you graduate with a bachelor's degree. You can get it similar to Doing Research in the VVZ or in some university advertisements. If an event qualifies for this, it will be stated (creditable for Windows of Opportunity). ATTENTION: You also need to take part in a methods workshop. (These hours are of course among the 20. You can find out when a methods workshop takes place and what the registration deadlines are in the VVZ. (Registration on A5 -> Course registration )
Where are the learning rooms?Learning room No. 1: In the main building, Freudplatz 1, on the 3rd floor diagonally opposite the library in room 3001 Opening times learning room No. 1:Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 10 p.mSaturday 9 a.m. - 7 p.m Learning room No. 2: In the medical building, Freudplatz 3, on the 5th floor next to the ÖH office in room 514 Opening times learning room No. 2:Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Where are the printers located?There are a total of 3 printers in the university buildings: Printer No. 1: In the main building, Freudplatz 1, on the 3rd floor, directly in front of the library (PC included) Printer No. 2: In the medical building, Freudplatz 3, on the 3rd floor, near room 301 (without computer, only copy/USB) Printer No. 3: In the medical building, Freudplatz 3, on the 1st floor, near room 116 (without computer, only copy/USB)
Where is the library?The library is in the main building, Freudplatz 1, on the 3rd floor, room 3012 Opening hours:Monday to Friday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m Is the book I'm looking for available in the library? Where? --&pool=BB07
Where can I find the course catalog?You can download the current course catalog here. Note that it is often updated during the semester! -lecture list/
What is Academy 5 (A5)?Academy 5 is pretty important and you'll need it often. You can get yours here: Download study confirmation Register courses -etc.. You can get more information here: This is link for Academy 5 Home page (
Reflection on the internshipFor the Propaedeutic Course you need20 hours of reflection on the internship. You can collect these hours during your internship. You can find all dates in the VVZ under Reflection of the internship". Attention: Some reflections require registration, you see but in the comment column. DON'T FORGET YOUR STUDY BOOK Unfortunately, it is not possible to have reflections or supervision hours from the internship counted as reflections of the internship.
Where can I find the lecture notes?You can find the scripts here: https://sfu-oc.sfu You can find the password in the description of the WhatsApp group. If you are not in a group, send us an email with your enrollment confirmation.
Orientation in the course catalog (VVZ)VO=Lecture (not mandatory, but recommended because of the exam)UE=Exercise (mandatory)PS=Proseminar (mandatory)SE=Seminar (mandatory)PE=Personal development (if registered, mandatory)MPE=method-specific personality development (only relevant from B5)PRS=Internship and practice reflections (not mandatory) The comment column also states how your lecture will take place.
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